Cabildo Insular de Tenerife


Agustín Espinosa

Technician of the Livestock and Fishing Service of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife

Born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, he is a marine biologist specialized in professional fishing and aquaculture, and an expert in the marine protected areas of Tenerife since 1998. He also works as a technician in these areas at the Cabildo de Tenerife.

Agustín Espinosa is a marine biologist (University of La Laguna) and author of various works related to the marine biodiversity of Tenerife. A large part of his work has been related to the conservation and dissemination of the environment and marine systems of the Canary Islands. With regard to conservation, he wrote the proposal for the creation of two marine reserves of fishing interest in Teno and Anaga, both in Tenerife.  

Espinosa is also the driving force behind the Aula del Mar, educational talks on biodiversity and the marine environment promoted by the Cabildo for students of different ages. Another project that bears his signature is Azul Marino, the reproduction of the marine ecosystems of the Canary Islands in a series of aquariums on the islands.  

In addition, the technician has coordinated the publication of several comic books and educational and informative brochures with marine themes, and is a councillor of the City Council of Candelaria, where he lives.

Agustín Espinosa



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Cabildo Tenerife Tenerife

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