
Red ochre and shells: a 250,000-year journey through human history

Duarte explores the significance of the pairing of shells and red ochre that has accompanied us, driven by our love of art, and what it reveals about our diet and the keys to our health.

170,000 years ago, modern humans, those with the capacity for symbolic thought, inhabited a coastal cave about 30 km from South Africa.  Archaeological research has revealed the massive use of shellfish, particularly sea ears, from the adjacent kelp forests, the shells of which were then used to powder red ochre, which they are said to have used to decorate their bodies.  

This image is reproduced across the planet and through the ages to reach, without us being aware of it, our own time and our own society. 



Vocento Gastronomía

Main Sponsor

Cabildo Tenerife Tenerife

Official Hotel

Villa Cortés

Official Supplier

Aquanaria Makro




Arona Cervezas Victoria El Locero Le Noveau Chef