
The best recipe for healthy ageing: the Atlantic diet

The Atlantic Diet is a model of healthy and sustainable nutrition throughout the life cycle that could be a reference for the world.

The Atlantic Diet, with its greatest exponents in Galicia and northern Portugal, is a healthy and bioactive diet with important implications for the health and well-being of the population, from childhood to old age. 

The traditional Atlantic diet is characterised by seasonal, fresh and minimally processed foods, an abundance of fruit and vegetables, fish, molluscs and crustaceans, both from the sea and rivers, moderate consumption of dairy products, meat, eggs and desserts, mainly based on flour, eggs and nuts, the use of sauces rich in fat and low in energy, such as 'la ajada', the abundant use of spring water, the moderate consumption of wine with meals in adulthood, the preference for olive oil as a dressing and for cooking, and a cooking style that favours steaming, baking, oven cooking, grilling and stewing over frying. It is therefore the answer to the 10 objectives for a healthier diet promoted by scientific organisations and associations.



Vocento Gastronomía

Main Sponsor

Cabildo Tenerife Tenerife

Official Hotel

Villa Cortés

Official Supplier

Aquanaria Makro




Arona Cervezas Victoria El Locero Le Noveau Chef